BTF Foundation


Brand Equity



Bitcoin Finance Network
- Bitcoin Forked Chain

Identifier of Dynamic CBlock after 51% Attack

Where btc miner moving

BTF offers the world’s mostpowerful
suite of institutional crypto tradingsolutions.

Creates Unlimited Possibilities

Bitcoin Finance Network's token protocol can support a variety of projects, and you can easily launch your own token project.

High Efficiency | Low Fees | Reliable

Transact faster and complete block confirmations efficiently.

Always-on, congestion-free network.

BTF Features

BTF(Bitcoin Finance Network):

BTF Bitcoin Finance is a new chain based on the fork of the BTC blockchain network. It is not fundamentally different from BTC.

Bitcoin came into being in 2008 after Satoshi Nakamoto published the white paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." Initially, there is no limit to the size of the block, which can reach a maximum of 32M under the control of its own data structure.In this process, the block upper limit was too high, which resulted in a waste of computing resources and vulnerability to DDoS attacks. In order to ensure the stability and security of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto limited the block size to 1M.

As the user base expands, the congestion problem caused by the loopholes in Bitcoin intensifies. Voices of block expansion begin to appear in the community. However, small blockers represented by core developer Core hope to use isolation. Witness + Lightning Network alleviates Bitcoin’s congestion problem instead of directly expanding to large blocks. For a time, the conflicts in the community gradually became irreconcilable, and the voice of hard fork became more and more intense. Finally, under the leadership of miners, the hard fork was completed, and the Bitcoin community has since been divided into two.In order to better serve customers and protect users' assets, while continuing to support the New York Consensus SegWit2x solution, we will also provide users with another option; we will make advance plans for the UAHF event, and will make any possible changes due to the implementation of UAHF The new currency is named "Bit Finance" (BTF for short).

- BTF(Bitcoin Finance) Foundation

Faster, Better, Stronger

The lowest fees, the fastest transactions, and the strongest blockchain consensus. Bitcoin Finance Network is a fair, open network for all. You can transact with others in privacy. It is decentralized, autonomous and non-invasive. As usage grows, Bitcoin Finance Network can power an unprecedented peaceful blockchain revolution.

Creates Unlimited Possibilities

Bitcoin Finance Network's token protocol can support a variety of projects, and you can easily launch your own token project. It will challenge previous blockchain asset accounting and transactions in terms of transparency and scalability in storing and managing tokens on the blockchain. Based on WEB3 technology, the interaction between the digital world and the physical world is further enhanced, including computing servers, storage, energy networks, geospatial data, etc.

Why Bitcoin Finance Network?

A scarce digital currency with a fixed total amount. All tokens can only be produced through POWER workload proof. BTF deflates as usage increases. Bitcoin Finance Network is more private and anonymous than traditional payment systems, providing better privacy and providing users with a better privacy and anonymous operating experience. Everyone has complete autonomy to control their own funds anytime, anywhere. Bitcoin Finance Network nodes are distributed all over the world and are always running.

Bitcoin Finance Network

BTF Tokenomic:

Name: Bitcoin Finance

BTF(Bitcoin Finance Network) is forked chain from Bitcoin

TotalSuply:21,000,000 BTF

Protocol Version: 70035

Node Provide: Doji

Client Version: Satoshi-BTF(BitcoinFinance):0.15.1

Symbol: BTF

BTF Block Explorer(Doji):

Network Name: Bitcoin Finance Network

Official: BTF Foundation

Burnt: 0

Pre Mined: 0% of Total

For BTC Miners: 100% of Total

Issue Price: N/A USDT/BTF

Miner Pool: Bitforce,IEpool

Miner: Canaan A10/A11/A12/A13/A14 Series
(BTF Miner will support Bitmain Later)

BTF Foundation All Rights Reserved